Freeplay Zero / Freeplay CM3 / Game Pie Advance
Discussion surrounding http://www.freeplaytech.com/ http://gamepieadvance.com/ and http://www.flashmasta.com/product/game-pie-advance-diy-kit/
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Freeplay Zero/CM3 (AKA GPA) Hardware
Build Logs, Hardware Mods, Q/A, etc. surrounding the hardware of the Game Pie Advance (http://gamepieadvance.com/).
211 1,528 Freeplay CM3 --> CM4S
11-13-2024, 07:17 PM
by Lanium
Freeplay Zero/CM3 (AKA GPA) Software
Discussing configuring Linux, RetroPie, Libretro, emulators, etc. for the Game Pie Advance (http://gamepieadvance.com/). Please refrain from asking where to find ROMs.
218 1,458 Need Help Troubleshooting...
11-28-2024, 07:04 PM
by movone8084
Show Off Your Build
Show us your Freeplay Zero/CM3 (or Game Pie Advance)! We love to see them.
80 401 Raspberry Pi 3 A+ crammed...
06-18-2023, 06:13 AM
by TexasPorcupine
Programming & Development
If you want to discuss any new design work, come on in. We're talking hardware, software, firmware, etc.
10 57 Compute Module 4S
05-14-2024, 02:10 AM
by simond
Discuss anything related to the Freeplay Zero/CM3/etc that doesn't quite belong on the other categories.
9 30 Freeplay CM3 out of stock
11-24-2024, 09:59 AM
by jarocks

Neo Geo Pocket
(SNK's Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Pocket Color)
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Flash Masta/Linkmasta
Discuss the development hardware available at http://www.flashmasta.com/
39 311 Reproduction cartridge ho...
08-27-2024, 02:57 AM
by winteriscoming
Other Development Hardware
Flash Carts, Linkers, Bung, Mr. Flash, UFO, Pocket Flash 32M, Pocket Flash 16M, Pocket Linker, etc.
8 46 My crazy project - Modern...
08-31-2024, 02:43 AM
by winteriscoming
Software Development
Coding, Compliers, Assemblers, Tile Editing, etc.
48 427 How to include sprite she...
01-16-2025, 07:37 AM
by KeiDash
This is for discussing homebrew applications and games including new homebrew releases and existing homebrew reviews.
27 215 vgmlib-ngpc-t6w28 - Nativ...
05-17-2023, 05:47 AM
by winteriscoming
Is there a game that wasn't released in your language? Maybe someone translated it. Discuss here.
15 210 Card Fighters' Clash 2 Ex...
02-24-2023, 02:39 AM
by KeiDash
Media (Manuals, Inserts, Flyers, Posters, etc.)
Come here to upload, download, or link to related media.
7 112 Wynd's Manual Scans Threa...
11-28-2024, 08:13 PM
by Depressor
Come here to talk about pretty much anything Neo Geo Pocket or NGPC related. Discuss your favorite games, system colors, accessories, websites, etc.
55 356 Replacement Housing Shell...
11-15-2023, 04:21 PM
by laoo

(Bandai's WonderSwan, WonderSwan Color, and SwanCrystal)
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Flash Masta
Discuss the development hardware available at http://www.flashmasta.com/
25 335 WS Flash Masta v5.1
08-21-2024, 11:22 PM
Other Development Hardware
Flash Carts, Linkers, WonderMagic, WonderWitch, WonderBorg, etc.
2 4 Wondermagic color softwar...
10-27-2016, 01:35 AM
by Flavor
Software Development
Coding, Compliers, Assemblers, Tile Editing, etc.
4 7 Some technicals infos
05-01-2023, 04:02 AM
by Dr.Wily
This is for discussing homebrew applications and games including new homebrew releases and existing homebrew reviews.
1 5 Rave Hunter
03-08-2022, 11:06 PM
by SirRockALot
Is there a game that wasn't released in your language? Maybe someone translated it. Discuss here.
4 12 overview - what is availa...
12-23-2021, 05:04 PM
Media (Manuals, Inserts, Flyers, Posters, etc.)
Come here to upload, download, or link to related media.
1 8 WonderWitch Magical Book
10-23-2015, 06:50 AM
by Flavor
Come here to talk about pretty much anything Bandai WonderSwan or SwanCrystal related. Discuss your favorite games, system colors, accessories, websites, etc.
4 18 Another WS IPS showcase
04-27-2021, 01:46 AM
by Flavor

Game Boy
(Nintendo's Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance)
Come on in to talk about anything Nintendo DMG, GB, GB Pocket, GBC, GBA, GBASP, GB Micro, Super Game Boy, Game Boy Player, etc.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Development Hardware
Flash Carts, Linkers, Multiboot Cables, etc.
3 17 GBA Flash Advance Xtreme ...
05-11-2015, 04:14 PM
by cpoco
Software Development
Coding, Compliers, Assemblers, Tile Editing, etc.
2 2 Gameboy Development Resou...
07-11-2013, 03:28 AM
by wyndcrosser
This is for discussing homebrew applications and games including new homebrew releases and existing homebrew reviews.
1 1 Chuckout Games
07-11-2013, 03:22 AM
by wyndcrosser
Is there a game that wasn't released in your language? Maybe someone translated it. Discuss here.
2 7 Dragon Ball Z: Goku Gekit...
07-11-2013, 03:21 AM
by wyndcrosser
Media (Manuals, Inserts, Flyers, Posters, etc.)
Come here to upload, download, or link to related media.
0 0
Come here to talk about pretty much anything related to the Nintendo Game Boy. Discuss your favorite games, system colors, accessories, websites, etc.
1 2 GB Multi-ROM
01-08-2019, 04:09 AM
by Flavor

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