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WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version)
First reply!

Anyhow, considering that I haven't received my copy yet, I'll just post some information about this version of the cart that I know of so both you guys who've ordered the early version and future supporters of this will have an idea of its current state as of now:

This cart will have 16 slots, of which only 15 will be games and the first being a menu for the choosing of aforementioned games.

The games can be loaded onto the cart via the use of a USB cable direct from a computer, but it is also mentioned that this will have microSD slot that allows the loading of games onto the SD card. How the loading will be done, whether it can be done directly to the SD or only through the cart to the SD or maybe both, is not yet known to us until Flavor tells us. Smile

The cart also has a battery that allows for the storage of saves for the game, but it can currently only hold one save and is unable to dump the save into the SD as the menu lacks that option for now. According to Flavor, the hardware capability of doing of doing so is present, so this function should be able to be developed at a later date.

Now for the not as good details: the circuit board itself is going to be caseless, and making a case for it will be a little tricky as it has been designed to be the size of a fully covered WS cart, thickness and all. That means that you guys won't be able to grab a plastic shell off of a donor cart.

Another problem would be that game compatibility isn't likely to be 100%, and older games that utilise the EEPROM to save will not be able to save properly until a patch to rectify this has been made and applied.

I'm pretty sure you guys who've pre ordered this have seen the email with most of the information, but it doesn't hurt to have a summary so far, no?

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RE: WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version) - by BlindOldMan - 05-24-2016, 04:59 PM

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