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PocketSend - Transferring data over 8mb
Hi all, good evening!

Recently, My old virtual machine with Windows 98, when I use it with my PocketLinker, for any reason that I don't know, the system colapse and freeze my computer.

I use a VM beacause my mother board doesn't has parallel port and the I/ODrivers for PocketLinker and the software (PocketSend and NGPC_Win) doesn't work on actuals operative systems. To solve this problem, I bought a pci card wih parallel port and use this virtual machine. As I say, for any reason that  I don't know, my pc doens't work with all this right now.

To solve it, I restored and old laptop with Windows XP to use the PocketLinker on it. Usually, for transfer big roms I use NGPC_Win because at the 50% of the rom transfer, PocketSend stopts. So, I was using NGPC_Win to transfer high size roms (upper to 16mb).

Now, when I go to use NGPC_Win in the laptop, the app throw an exception saying that "privileged instruction" (I search info about this error and It's something when any software try to access to an I/O device) (my user is administrator) and can't use it. In addition, I'm not able to transfer big roms whit PocketSend.

In the old PocketSend page, from the version 2.0 says that supports ROMs of any size up to 8Mbit

I need help because I need transfer high size roms to the cart, so, someone has any idea? The problem is the operative system?


Messages In This Thread
PocketSend - Transferring data over 8mb - by KeiDash - 03-12-2020, 06:49 PM

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