Just another GBA.
Just my new obsession of 2001. Thanks Flavor for all your help. So it's boxypixel aluminum case, silver aluminum buttons, red triggers and buttons. Also did the 4-Pack Of Soft Feel-Rubber-Nipple Square. Which is anyone hasn't done that I would it made the feel of ABXY feel so good. Also got my little travel back and my 7" IPS monitor for the road if a friend wants to play.

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Nice. I like the pink accents!
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( http://cfc2english.blogspot.com/ )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( http://www.flashmasta.com/ )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( http://trevmun.deviantart.com/ )
thanks, its really red but my phone camera sucks ha ha ha.
That's funny! I definitely like black/red, but I thought the pink was a neat look.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( http://cfc2english.blogspot.com/ )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( http://www.flashmasta.com/ )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( http://trevmun.deviantart.com/ )

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